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Support in tax and estate planning for your assets.
Cassa Lombarda’s Private Bankers can support you in tax and estate planning for your assets while ensuring the utmost confidentiality.
In addition, they identify the potential for optimisations with the help of tax experts, selecting the most appropriate tax and legal instruments for the various investment needs.
As a complement to its specialist services, Cassa Lombarda provides a qualified Art Advisory service through partnerships with third parties, allowing to measure artistic assets and investments in works of art.
In October 2014, Cassa Lombarda and PKB Private Bank set up PKB Servizi Fiduciari S.p.A., a static trust company incorporated under Italian law and authorised by the Ministry for Economic Development.
The trust, owned by PKB Private Bank—a bank based in Lugano, Switzerland—and Cassa Lombarda, was created to meet the needs of the clients of the Group’s two Private Banks, expanding the range of services offered to them.
For the Group, the static trust company further enriches the range of services available to Clients, of which for years now fiduciary services have been a key part in order to efficiently compete in the Private Banking sector, combining financial needs with those associated with the personal and business life of its Clients.

Private Cost Advisory is a free diagnostic service for prospects. Created to provide an estimate of the costs underlying the CIU portfolios of prospects held with third parties, it offers solutions that are optimised in terms of risk/return and costs by leveraging quantitative algorithms.
The service consists of 3 stages:
- Cost analysis of the CIUs in the portfolio to identify potential savings;
- Efficiency (risk/return) analysis of the CIUs in the portfolio;
- Quantitative optimisation of the CIU portfolio aimed at defining a hypothetical alternative portfolio that minimises costs and maximises ex-ante efficiency.
The analysis is performed using a computer tool developed for this specific purpose and based on quantitative algorithms, which produces a set of reports with a summary of the results.