Trasparency at your service
Below is the list of all placements and bonds available directly from Cassa Lombarda. The documentation relating to each placement, identified by a unique ISIN, is provided to allow clear and transparent assessment by the Client.
- Final Terms
- Brochure
- First supplement to Base Prospectus
- Second supplement to Base Prospectus
- Third supplement to Base Prospectus
- Fourth supplement to Base Prospectus
- Fifth supplement to Base Prospectus
- Sixth supplement to Base Prospectus
- Seventh supplement to Base Prospectus
- Eighth supplement to Base Prospectus
- Ninth supplement to Base Prospectus
- Term Sheet
- Final Terms
- Product Sheet
- Base Prospectus
- First Supplement to base prospectus
- Second Supplement to base prospectus
- Third Supplement to base prospectus
- Fourth Supplement to base prospectus
- Fifth Supplement to base prospectus
- Sixth Supplement to base prospectus
- Seventh Supplement to base prospectus
- Term Sheet
- Final Terms
- Product Sheet
- Base Prospectus
- First Supplement to base prospectus
- Second Supplement to base prospectus
- Third Supplement to base prospectus
- Fourth Supplement to base prospectus
- Fith Supplement to base prospectus
- Sixth Supplement to base prospectus
- Seventh Supplement to base prospectus
- Term Sheet
- Mediobanca Floored Floating Rate Bond Early Closing English Version
- Mediobanca Floored Floating Rate Bond Early Closing Italian Version
- Mediobanca Floored Fixed Rate Bond_Early Closing English Version
- Mediobanca Floored Fixed Rate Bond_Early Closing Italian Version
- Mediobanca Floored Floating Rate Bond_Base Prospectus
- Mediobanca Floored Fixed Rate Bond_ENG_Final Terms and Summary
- Mediobanca Floored Fixed Rate Bond_ITA_Final Terms and Summary
- Mediobanca Floored Floating Rate Bond_ITA_Final Terms and Summary
- Mediobanca Floored Floating Rate Bond_ENG_Final Terms and Summary
- Mediobanca Floored Floating Rate Bond_KIID
- Toyota - Upsizing and early closing notice ISIN XS1885506813
- Toyota - Base Prospectus
- Toyota - Final Terms and Summary
- Toyota - Final Terms Italian Version
- Toyota - Final Terms
- UCG Mixed Rate - UniCredit Registration Document
- UCG Mixed Rate - First Supplement to BP
- UCG Mixed Rate - Base Prospectus
- UCG Mixed Rate - Supplement to Registration Document
- UCG Mixed Rate - UniCredit Note
- UCG Mixed Rate - Supplement to Unicredit Prospectus
- UCG Mixed Rate - Final Terms
- European Investment Bank Usd Mixed Rate Cap Floor Final Terms
- European Investment Bank Usd Mixed Rate Cap Floor Offering Circular
- Exane - 24-06-16 Base Prospectus
- Exane - First Supplement to 24-08-16 Base Prospectus
- Exane - Final Terms ISIN FREXA0002255
- Exane - Final Terms unofficial translation in Italian ISIN FREXA0002255
- Exane - Summary ISIN FREXA0002255
- Exane - Final Terms ISIN FREXA0002248
- Exane - Final Terms unofficial translation in Italian ISIN FREXA0002248
- Exane - Summary ISIN FREXA0002248
- Poste Italiane SpA Public Offering - application form
- Final Terms - 8Y BNP Paribas Mixed Rate GBP - XS1257901600
- IBRD Final Terms
- Bnp Usd Mixed Rate XS1218967377 - Product Information Sheet
- Bnp Usd Mixed Rate XS1218967377 - Final Terms
- Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa Public Offering Supplement to Base Prospectus
- Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa Public Offering - Post-Supplement Terms and Conditions
- Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa Public Offering Final Terms
- Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa Public Offering Base Prospectus
- NL0010402269 - Final Terms + Summary Public Offering BNP Bonus Cap WO Shares
- NL0010402277 - Final Terms + Summary Public Offering BNP Athena on GA
- NL0010402285 - Final Terms + Summary Public Offering BNP Fixed premium Athena
- NL0010402293 - Final Terms + Summary Public Offering BNP Bonus Protection Certificate on FTSE MIB
- NL0011007265 - Final Terms + Summary Athena Jet S&P GSCI Crude Oil
- NL0011007265 - Notice to Holders
- Exane - Base Prospectus
- Exane - Supplement
- Exane - Summary
- Exane - Final Terms 1
- Exane - Final Terms 2
- Société Générale - Final Terms Renminbi Certificate IT0006723131
- Société Générale - Summary Renminbi Certificate IT0006723131
- Société Générale - Base Prospectus Renminbi Certificate IT0006723131
- Société Générale - Supplement to Base Prospectus Renminbi Certificate IT0006723131
- Notice on the results of the initial public offering of 2015 SG Fixed Rate Bonds in Indian Rupees up to a nominal INR 1,200,000,000 ISIN code IT0006722950
- Base Prospectus Société Générale 2015 Fixed Rate Bond in Indian Rupees ISIN IT0006722950
- Summary Société Générale 2015 Fixed Rate Bond in Indian Rupees ISIN IT0006722950
- Final Terms Société Générale 2015 Fixed Rate Bond in Indian Rupees ISIN IT0006722950
- DE000UU0LBX6 Final Terms (Italian) relating to - Placement of UBS 2-Year Express Certificate on Eni & Enel
- DE000UU0LBX6 Final Terms (English) relating to - Placement of UBS 2-Year Express Certificate on Eni & Enel
- UBS Summary relating to - Placement of UBS 2-Year Express Certificate on Eni & Enel
- UBS Base Prospectus - Placement of UBS 2-Year Express Certificate on Eni & Enel
- UBS Base Prospectus Supplement 1 - Placement of UBS 2-Year Express Certificate on Eni & Enel
- UBS Base Prospectus Supplement 2 - Placement of UBS 2-Year Express Certificate on Eni & Enel
- Notice on the results of the public offering of the “SG EUROPEAN EQUITY – May 2014” Bond up to a nominal Euro 20 million - ISIN code IT0006719535
- Notice to investors “SG EUROPEAN EQUITY" ISIN IT0006719535
- Base prospectus relating to the offering and listing of bonds:"RATE", "RATE con Opzioni Plain Vanilla", "RATE con Opzioni Digitali", "RATE con Opzioni Lookback, Himalaya, Rainbow, Best Of, Napoleon, Worst of", "Opzioni PlainVanilla", "Opzioni Digitali", "Opzioni Lookback, Himalaya, Rainbow, Best Of, Napoleon,Worst of" of SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE
- Final terms relating to the Offering of up to Euro 20 million's worth of Bonds with Options with maturity on 20 May 2014 of SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE in its capacity as Issuer